Thursday, February 08, 2007

A.R.Kane - "69"

Sorry I haven't been posting as much recently. You see, I recently dusted off my ol' iPod after I finally broke down and shelled out for a new cable to get the damn thing charged after a year, and frankly I've been spending far too much time ripping music onto it. We're talking 18.55 gigabytes of pure love, baby.

And in other news related to taking my time away from posting tracks here, I've recently been reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X, which is a damn fine publication. If you haven't read it and you think you know something about the man, drop your assumptions and "received wisdom" and pick up the book. It's easily one of the best personal histories I've ever read, with lessons for people of every age, religion, and race. I'm about 70 pages from the end of the book and it's at the point where each page is presenting me with some kind of epiphany. Heavy.

Speaking of race, today's band was given nicknames like "the black Jesus & Mary Chain" by the British press (despite the fact that one of the two main contributors was very obviously Indian). I kinda can't believe someone could get away with printing that kind of thing anymore, much less 10 to 20 years ago, but it goes to show you that just when you think we as human beings are generally over stupid things like racist tendencies, the English music press will always be willing to slip on a monocle and adopt the condescending imperialist tone that made the British Empire such a problem in the first place.

Anyway, A.R.Kane appear to have released a few albums, but rumor has it this 69 is the best and the rest aren't really worth bothering with. I don't know if that's true, but this record does rock my socks clean off my feet. They appear to have either been heavily influenced by or to have heavily influenced the shoegazers, with pop melodies, dancy rhythms, and glorious noise jostling for your ear's attention. Here for your perusal are the first three tracks from 69; if you like them, you can easily obtain a copy here.

A.R.Kane - 69 - 01 - Crazy Blue
A.R.Kane - 69 - 02 - Suicide Kiss

A.R.Kane - 69 - 03 - Baby Milk Snatcher


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

12:10 AM  

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